Premier Archives - Teaching Kids News Readable, teachable news. Fri, 08 Jun 2018 14:42:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Premier Archives - Teaching Kids News 32 32 Ontario Premier Says She Can’t Win Election Wed, 06 Jun 2018 01:05:29 +0000 The current premier of Ontario says there will be a new premier after the election on June 7 and it most certainly won't be her.
That was a very surprising announcement.
Premier Kathleen Wynne leads the Ontario Liberal Party. She is one of three main candidates vying for the spot of premier in the upcoming election. The other two main candidates are Doug Ford Jr., who leads the Progressive Conservative (PC) party of Ontario and Andrea Horwath, who leads the Ontario New Democratic Party (NDP).

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Surprising Win For Liberals In BC Election Thu, 16 May 2013 03:31:49 +0000 The Liberals unexpectedly won the provincial election in British Columbia on Tuesday surprising many people, who thought the New Democratic Party (NDP) would win.

The Liberals and the NDP are two of Canada’s biggest political parties.

The Liberals were already in power in B.C.; after this election, they will stay in power.

Being “in power” in this case means they are responsible for making many of the important decisions involving laws and money in the province. It also means that their leader is the Premier of the province.

Many people—including political experts—thought the New Democratic Party would win the election. Not only did the Liberals win, but they won a "majority government." That means they have more seats in the legislature than all of the other parties combined.

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Kathleen Wynne Ontario’s Next Premier Mon, 28 Jan 2013 01:00:56 +0000 Ontario’s next premier is Kathleen Wynne.

She won the leadership of the Ontario Liberal Party.

Since the Liberals are in power in the province, she will automatically become the premier as well.

Wynne’s closest competitor for the job was Sandra Pupatello.

The Liberals held a "leadership convention" to choose a new leader after Dalton McGuinty stepped down as leader and Ontario premier last October.

The convention was held on the weekend; Wynne was voted in on Saturday.

Liberal party members voted in Toronto, in three votes or "ballots." Wynne won in the third ballot with 1,150 votes over Pupatello, who had 866 votes.

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PQ Forms New Government In Quebec Thu, 06 Sep 2012 00:40:14 +0000 There has been a significant change in government in the province of Quebec.

On Sept. 4, the PQ party won the provincial election.

They will take over from the Liberals, who have been in power there for nine years.

The PQ leader is Pauline Marois. She will become Quebec’s first female premier.

The PQ or Parti Quebecois advocates "sovereignty" for Quebec. That means they believe Quebec should be a separate country from the rest of Canada because it is unique in terms of culture and language. Most people in Quebec speak French.

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