republicans Archives - Teaching Kids News Readable, teachable news. Sat, 11 Mar 2023 22:41:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 republicans Archives - Teaching Kids News 32 32 Mid-Term Election Puts Democrats In Control Of US House Of Representatives Mon, 12 Nov 2018 01:31:29 +0000 The House of Representatives in the United States is now controlled by the Democrats. The Senate remains in the control of the Republicans.
The Democrats and Republicans are two political parties in the United States (groups of people with very different ideas about how the country should be run). US President Donald Trump is a Republican.
On Nov. 6, the United States had a big election, called the "mid-term" elections. Americans vote for who they wanted to represent them in two main branches of their government: the House of Representatives and the Senate.

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Countdown To The US Election: What You Need To Know Mon, 31 Oct 2016 03:22:38 +0000 Americans go to the polls on November 8.

Either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump will (unless something very unlikely happens) become President of the United States. That is, arguably, the most powerful job in the world. No political party is more "right or wrong" than another--they are simply groups of people who hold specific beliefs and even then, not everyone who belongs to that party will agree with everything their party supports.)

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The U.S. Election: What Is Going On? Thu, 19 May 2016 16:36:18 +0000 In the United States, there are two main political parties: The Democrats and the Republicans. Each party picks a leader, and then those leaders go head-to-head in a big election for president.

Donald Trump has emerged as the person who will be the leader of the Republic Party in the U.S. The leader of the Democratic Party hasn't been decided yet; Hilary Clinton seems most likely to win, although Bernie Sanders still stands a chance of winning; there are others still in the race as well, although they are not as likely to win.

The big election will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016.

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Republicans Prepare For U.S. Election In November Thu, 19 Jan 2012 02:00:23 +0000 There are two main political parties in the United States: the Republicans and the Democrats.

Right now, the Republicans have to choose someone to run for president against Democrat Barack Obama, in time for the presidential election on Nov. 6.

To pick a Republican candidate, every state in the U.S. holds an early election called a primary.

The front-runner in the Republican race is Mitt Romney, who was the Governor of Massachusetts and is now in business.

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